Throwing stones

I thought I'd written about intuition amplifiers on here before, but it seems not. Most of this is just in reference to this Matt Webb post.

I’d love to build intuition amplifiers as cyborg prostheses.

Like, here’s an old one: flipping a coin.

You know when you don’t know the right course of action so you get a coin and then it lands heads and you think, oh I wish that had been tails. In the process some internal signal too faint to discern has been lifted to awareness.

His post then goes on to explore that for other concepts, like dowsing, where there's some exterior mechanism to -- in theory, at least -- amplify some internal signal and let you reject or accept that input.

I was reminded of this because last night we started watching Twin Peaks. I watched it about 7 years or so ago now, and remember very little (characters and some big moments; almost nothing in the way of plot beats other than that).

In episode 2, Agent Cooper explains that he access to 'a deductive technique involving mind-body coordination operating hand in hand with the deepest level of intuition'.

and then goes on to throw rocks at a bottle, like this The setup being that hitting the bottle (and perhaps breaking it) is significant.

This is a) just very strange, b) a fantastic way of doing a bunch of recap exposition on various characters, and c) is obviously an intuition amplifier.

Twin Peaks is just as weird as I remember. It feels like nothing other than a surrealist soap opera, with something strange and dark buried in the sand beneath and occasionally poking through. I am yet to watch the third series, so I look forward to experiencing... whatever that entails.