Within sight

I've missed a couple of days on here. It's cold (I don't remember it being -6 in London since I've lived here, but that could just be a failure of memory) and it's harder to get out of bed in the morning. I'm not quite at the point where I can properly wind down and try to stop thinking about work, but I'm certainly in sight of the border.

All of which is to say: I haven't gone yet. I'll probably cover the blog with a dust-sheet in about a week. I might post more stuff before the new year as the mood takes me, but it'll be quiet and intermittent for a while.

I've been toying with the idea of some ritual of laying down of tools for the year. But I haven't figured that out yet.

In or before the new year, I also want to investigate some tech and hosting stuff. The mild friction of Squarespace for posting and referencing these blogs will be annoying if I keep doing it, and the lack of, say, RSS if I'm eventually going to ditch Twitter is also a limitation. I need to figure out what my social media presence is going to look like going forward, and how to handle hosting this blog. (I'm thinking of migrating my entire website off Squarespace. I'm not using enough of its features to justify an ongoing expense at that level, and while the initial time + pain is going to be real, I think it'll be worth it.)

(In case you missed it, the most fragile and transparently pathetic man in the world has started banning journalists from Twitter for violating a new rule he just made up, with such highlights as 'running another of his stupid polls to decide their unbanning fate', then being unhappy that 'now' won, so saying he was going to run it again (where 'now' is still winning). He is many things, but he is also: a massive and dangerous loser.)

Kieron has some excellent 'player principles for better play' in his latest newsletter. Definitely worth a read if TTRPGs are your thing.

There, this one is a grab-bag with more than three sections. That should make up for the lost days...